

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 2 months ago

Empower Others


Empower yourself. Your friends. Your community. But push yourself to go further, because you can.


You need to be ok with:


  • giving up control
  • someone taking your stuff and screwing up or failing
  • independence will not be evenly distributed
    • not everyone will be empowered equally
    • goal is to empower more people than are empowered today
    • consider looking at specific neglected or underempowered communities or demographics, and think about what you can do to help them participate.


Understand your privileged existence


The whole crowd at SXSW is "privileged" in some way or another, and we should all be asking ourselves, how do we help an even broader community of folks become independents?


The reality is that independence will not be evenly distributed. However, the more independents we can enable, the better. We should challenge the building block creators, folks inventing new technologies, new organizational patterns, to ask ourselves, can we create building blocks that empower less privileged demographics, and people unlike ourselves, in addition to the folks around us?


Each and every person here is an expert in something. Use the building blocks that others have built before you. Build more for others to use after you.


Take what you learn and pass it on.

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